A message from Mary B. Riley, President of the Scott London/Chris Riley Memorial Scholarship Fund:
This year marked the 20th annual London/Riley Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament. It was great to get back to a semblance of normalcy for this year’s tournament including being able to hold it in August again. This year approximately half of the tee signs were from AFSCME Locals and various other Unions throughout Rhode Island. AFSCME locals had a total of 17 tee signs while other locals throughout the State had 15 signs.
On behalf of myself and the Executive Board of the London/Riley Memorial Scholarship Fund, I want to say a great big THANK YOU to all the support we received for this year’s tournament through tee signs, donations, and even participation in the tournament itself. Thanks to your continued support we were able to give away a total of $24,000 in scholarships this year!
On a personal note, everyone’s dedication to supporting this cause means a lot to myself and my family. I thank you all and wish everyone a healthiness and happiness now and in the future!