Press Archives

In its Feb. 27 editorial (“Getting R.I.’s sheriffs in line”), The Providence Journal criticized Rhode Island’s Division of Sheriffs on the grounds that large numbers of sheriffs have been out with injuries, some for years, collecting pay tax-free. It characterized the problem as a “mess” that the incoming state police superintendent needs to “clean up.”

Our sheriffs deserve better.

I write in response to the Aug. 31 Commentary piece (“Public employees deserve to know their rights”) by Stephen Skoly, the recently elected chairman of the Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity. All you need to know about this right-wing group is that on its web page it talks about the importance of complete government transparency, yet it will not release the names of its donors.


For Immediate Release:                       

RI Deputy Sheriffs Local 2409, RI Council 94 AFSCME Urges 

Administration to Hire Academy Recruits Without Delay