Michael McDonald

(401) 724-5900


Michael McDonald is the President of RI Council 94.  First elected in 2024, he also currently serves as President of Local 528 at the University of Rhode Island since being elected in 2011.  President McDonald previously served as the State Vice President on the RI Council 94 Executive Board from 2022 until his election as President in 2024.

President McDonald grew up in a proud Union household and happily carries on that tradition. His father was Vice President of Local 528 at the University of Rhode Island for 33 years alongside, then President of that local and later President of RI Council 94, J. Michael Downey.  President McDonald was fortunate to work closely with both his father and RI Council 94 President J. Michael Downey for over 20 years of his career.

While President of Local 528, McDonald helped to organize preemptive outreach and organizing aimed at strengthening the union prior to the Janus decision of 2018.  President McDonald has taken part in negotiating 5 State Master Contracts between RI Council 94 and the State of Rhode Island.  He has also played a large role in negotiating higher wages for the various trades. 

President McDonald is currently employed as a Landscape Maintenance Technician at the University of Rhode Island.  He remains active in his community - coaching youth football for the past 4 years as well as youth basketball. 

President McDonald has been married to his wife Tina since 2007 and they have 2 children.